February 06, 2011

What a ride so far!

Well, here we go. I decided to try a blog slightly smaller in scope as compared to past blogs. What better topic that my recent (membership?) to parenthood. Ironic that I chose parenthood to help keep a blog scope focused huh? ;)

It is finally settling in that I am now part of that brotherhood of fathers. My son, Joel <name hidden>, was born on Jan 4, 2011 at 20h51 AST (picture[s] to be inserted later) by c-section at a healthy 7 lbs...well, technically lie half-ounce under, but the attending nurse said formally 7lbs - half ounce was sent all over the surgeon once Joel was free of his "ovarian Bastille" (to borrow a phrase from Family Guy's Stewie ;) ).

I admit I cried - out of over-protectiveness and strength of my wife to endure the 4+ days of labour we SHE through, to end in abdominal surgery, as well as the arrival of our son (still not used to saying that either). Joel's arrival was the fulfillment of not only the dreams of my wife and I, but of those of our families. Considering the medical histories of us both, to actually be blessed with such a perfect gift after so long is short of a miracle.

Well, I best keep the intro post short (for fear of rambling on aimlessly). In time, I hope to spice up the place here a little more and more (first job was finding a template I liked - is ok??), as my virgin blogging skills improve, and continue to share my equally virgin adventures  through fatherhood. Until my nest post, I raise a glass of boiled/"distilled" water to thee.

Jamie/James of M, J T, G, & J
                            ^+--- my new place in the house ranking - after the two cats ;)

PS: Yes, I see the irony (and pun?) of starting a "Fumbling..." blog on Superbowl Sunday ;)


  1. So happy for you both! What sort of charts are you planning?

  2. What sort of charts? Ones based on the Joel Projection using the Hanway Datums ;)
